(Batch 9)
Praise be to Allah, the lord of lofty skies and deep rooted mountains and everything around us. Preston international college is not just a name of fame, rather a...
[ read more ]Ayesha Fakhruddin
(Raadiyah’s mother)
My daughter chose Preston as her college from her school days. It is the best investment for this life and the akhirah. It is centrally located and a safe...
[ read more ]Thamanna Parveen
(Batch 8)
I can firmly tell that Preston was the best choice I made in my life. Coming from Kerala to Chennai was a really tough decision for me, but it...
[ read more ]Jesima
(Asfiya’s mother)
Alhamdulillah, all praise and thanks be to Allah alone. This college is a huge blessing with lots of barakah in it. Seriously, the authenticity of the deen of Allah,...
[ read more ]Hisana Thasnim
(Batch 8)
The spiritual and personal growth that I am experiencing now is because of my decision to join Preston a few years back. Alhamdulillah, it taught me the true understanding...
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