Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame



Your Charity, Our Responsibility

Founder: Sanaa Sheriff ( Preston Alumni 2011-2014)

Trustee Member: Sheerin Farzana (Preston Alumni 2011- 2014)

Core Team member: Sauda Marshuka ( Preston Alumni 2011-2014)

Sincere Aid Foundation was founded on 28th February 2018 as a humble effort to reach out to the needy of our Ummah.

The organization strives to provide basic necessities to the needy by arranging monthly groceries, rent and medical fund.

Food kits, Fidya, Fitra, Eid kits and Rice bags are taken up and distributed among the poor. We have also raised funds for emergency surgeries, chemotherapy and dialysis.

Small scale businesses like tea stall, breakfast stall, clothes reselling, tailoring unit etc were arranged.

Interest-Free Debts were undertaken and cleared. Cyclone relief fund, Covid relief and lockdown kits were some of our other fundraising projects.

We also could successfully arrange sending 1800 migrant workers to West Bengal during the total lockdown period.

We undertake Sadaqah Jaariyah projects like donations to build a masjid, drilling borewells, planting trees and distributing Qur’an to hifdh students.

Qurbani and Aqeeqah projects were undertaken and the meat was distributed to the poor.

ICU beds were donated to hospital facilitate the treatment of COVID patients.

We aim to reach out to every person in need irrespective of race, caste and color.



  • Haafizat:


1. Bushra Wangde – (2011- 2014)

2. Safreen – (2013- 2016)

3. Humaira – (2013- 2016)

4. Ilman Nafiya- (2014 -2017)

5. Safiya Farheen – (2014- 2017)

6. Asma Yacoob – (2014- 2017)

7. Mymoon Bee – (2014 – 2017)

8. Shahana Anas – (2016 – 2019)

9. Aysha Rishma – (2017 – 2020)

10. Sanah Mohamed Salim  – (2018 – 2021)

11. Umm Kulthum  – (2018 – 2021)


  • Alumna: Zara-Free Quran (Tajweed) studies and basic Islamic studies for children, young girls and women
    -Managing editor at Muslim Ink..it is an Islamic publishing house
    -currently studying at IOU BA Arabic