Professional Institute Development Studies or PIDS is a professional training institute catering to all fields of education for generations together. The programs that are designed to benefit all are:

Online Qur’aan classes:

  • Online Qur’aan class is a medium through which a person can learn Qur’aan from the comfort of their home from anywhere at flexible times.
  • Teaching Qur’aan in an effective and simplified manner for adults and children giving great importance for both theoretical and practical in order to attain perfection in Qur’aan recitation and memorisation, starting with the very basics for the new/slow learners and helping to memorise and review the whole or part of the Qur’aan in a step by step manner with the guidance of the teacher.  The sessions are one to one in nature.
  • Experienced, Qualified Male and female tutor available for both gender.
  • Course completion E- certificates awarded to students upon achieving their milestones.

Qur’aan listening service:

  • It is a noble initiative held in the month of Ramadhaan facilitating and providing help to revise and review the memorised portion of the Qur’aan.
  • The service provided was free of charges for kids and adults male and female on one to one in nature.
  • E- Certificate was issued at the completion of course.

Rawdah Islamic Online School:

The purpose of the classes is to impart foundations of Islamic Knowledge to those students who do not have the access/privilege to the same. Aqeedah, Seerah, Qasasun Nabiyyin, Fiqh, Tahaarah, Salaah, Hadeeth and Tarbiyyah, Memorization of selected Surahs

To know more about the courses, you can visit