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I can firmly tell that Preston was the best choice I made in my life.
Coming from Kerala to Chennai was a really tough decision for me, but it was all worth it, Alhamdulillah. All the shuyookh, teachers and the wonderful friends I made! It was three years of pure bliss and knowledge in my life.
-Thamanna Parveen (Batch 8)
The spiritual and personal growth that I am experiencing now is because of my decision to join Preston a few years back. Alhamdulillah, it taught me the true understanding of Islam by which I am now able to impart it to those who are ignorant of our religion.
-Hisana Thasnim (Batch 8)
Praise be to Allah, Lord the Most High. Preston International College is not just a name of fame, but rather a place that urges you to fix your aim, there is nothing that can be a replica of it and you’ll surely experience the barakah of it, which Allah blessed the college with. This place keeps your heart at ease and molds you into a person who helps others live a peaceful and praiseworthy life by learning the deen of Allah.
-Asfiya (Batch 9)
Masha Allah! It is one of the great colleges in India for studying Islamic studies in the way of Ahlus Sunnah.
~Rafeek Ahmed
Alhamdulillah, all praise and thanks be to Allah alone. This college is a huge blessing with lots of barakah in it. Seriously, the authenticity of the deen of Allah, its knowledge and awareness conveyed by the honourable shuyookh and female teachers with a firm background impressed my daughter a lot and this further helped her to equip herself with good amount of skills, high beautiful goals and this started urging our family members to engage in quenching their thirst to learn the deen of Allah and we are now able to give confidence to the people around us that the pure and sacred knowledge of this deen is conveyed in Preston in a very flexible, easy and understandable manner. May Allah ‘azzawajal’ shower his abundant blessings and mercy upon people who are engaged in each and every tiny and big efforts in building this institution and people who are engaged in this beautiful path towards jannah.
-Jesima (Asfiya’s mother)
My daughter chose Preston as her college from her school days. It is the best investment for this life and the akhirah. It is centrally located and a safe environment for authentic knowledge. My daughter has gained many things from attending this institute including authentic Islamic knowledge and other skills. Alhamdulillah, now we are eagerly awaiting higher studies opportunities.
-Ayesha Fakhruddin (Raadiyah’s mother)
A college which is dearest to me. I entered Preston without much knowledge of Islam and it holds a special memory in the journey of my life.
~Khadijah Noreen Bint Arul
Preston holds a very important place in my Islamic journey. It is the place where I got soul sisters who treats like family. Alhamdulillah, Happy that I got to know about Preston.
~Divya A
All praises be to Allah, who provided me with the opportunity of being a student at the Preston International College. It is the only college of this type in India offering a course in Islamic Studies deeply rooted into the authentic sources of Islam.
~ Gourav Nainwal – 1 st year, BAIS
Alhamdulillah, I would say that B.A Islamic Studies at the Preston International College is gift from Allah for English medium students whon want to gain knowledge in Islamic studies from qualified faculties.
~ Dawood, 1 st year, BAIS
Alhamdulillah! A place to acquire authentic knowledge. May Allah bless the college and the shuyooks. Aameen.”
~Junaidha Banu
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