

To make higher education accessible to more students, PIC offers Scholarship to the most deserving and needy students.

Scholarship – SOP

Procedure for I Year

  1. On the day of admission, Admin shall give scholarship form only to eligible students who have paid I term fees and in need of scholarship.
  2. Under no circumstances shall the scholarship student will be allowed to pay I term fee in two instalments.
  3. Those students who collect scholarship forms are informed on the below:
    • a. Candidates should fill the application by themselves in block letters.
    • b. A certificate from a responsible person belonging to applicant’s locality about the genuineness of the applicant’s economic status should be attached, with full details of the certifier
    • c. Social consciousness, moral, ethical and good characters will be an additional strength to the applicant to earn Preston scholarship.
    • d. The renewal of scholarship will not be considered, if his /her academic progress, conduct and character are not found satisfactory.
    • e. The application will not be considered if the details given in the application form are found to be incorrect/ unsatisfactory
    • f. Grant of scholarship is subject to availability of funds with Preston.
  4. Applicants of English & Tamil BAIS should submit the scholarship form along with additional documents within 7 working days from the Admission date to the Office Superintendent (OS). All Certificates which are required in Page 4 of Scholarship form should be attached in the same order.
  5. Application shall be marked defective by OS if submitted with incorrect information and the same can be rectified at the student level.
  6. However students can resubmit after necessary rectification OS can re-verify those defective applications.
  7. A criterion for scholarship is that the Annual income of the parents should match with the attached bank statement.
  8. Checking Process of all the received forms shall be completed in 3 working days.
  9. After the receipt of all the scholarship forms, admin commences verification process depending upon the residential locations of applicants. Verification shall be completed in 7 days.
  10. After the verification process, the Admin will suggest their recommendations to the management, based on which management shall review and may approve or disapprove scholarship. Approval shall be completed in 7 working days.
  11. If scholarship is rejected the same will be informed to the applicant and he / she shall be asked to pay II term fee within 1 month from the date of rejection.

Procedure for II & III Year


  1. Attendance should be more than 80% in the previous academic year.
  2. Compulsory 60% marks in two cycle tests and in Model exam which are conducted during the previous academic year. Any absenteeism in any one of the subjects will result in withdrawal of scholarship.
  3. Student’s discipline should be satisfactory (without any behavioural issues)
  4. On-time payment of I terms fee is mandatory to qualify for Scholarship for subsequent Academic year.
  5. Subject to verification of address & location.

Procedure for II & III Year

  1. Under no circumstance shall the scholarship student be allowed to pay I term fee in two installments.
  2. If the applicant has not qualified for scholarship according to the conditions then the same shall be communicated to the parents without delay and they will be asked to pay full fee for the academic year.
  3. If the parent of the disqualified student requests for more time to prove the performance for their ward, they shall be given a chance to prove in the subsequent I & II Cycle test. If the disqualified student qualifies then scholarship form will be issued.
  4. If the disqualified student does not qualify then the student shall be asked to pay full II /III year fee as applicable.